
we left life. It is as far as the blue stars
are now, is as genetic traces
on fabric-from the glass Petri dish
aircraft window-diminishing;
collapsed, building blocks
like molten glass of glowing amber;
blotches, major human constellations,
and minor, we’re leaping over
the powerhouses where they keep the fire going,
man’s resistance, pulsating,
springing up in the darkness
lining all the pathways
of transportation.


My Deerboy

Today I was teaching the youth of today
from a class room at car park level when
a delivery lorry arrived. The room rumbled
as it went through its last lining up manoeuvres
before boxes could be broken off the back
by the driver who would then deliver
with a hand truck, a new stack of the same old
food to be trayed and arrayed in the dinner halls
and before he’d fully landed a girl went ‘crash’-
parked as she was in her seat with no handbrake
on her behaviour-she went ‘crash’
to the lorry to go right into the wall;
willing the routine to go wrong
for the machine to make a mistake
and for a loose piece of it to spin and pierce
the netting we are in; to break in a ‘break out’
release us from the conveyor, at least
give us a glimpse..during my break…

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